Piazza San Pietro, Roma



Restoration of architectural, decorative and monumental elements in Piazza San Pietro.


Concise account of work carried out

Archival research; on site inspection, mapping initial condition and previous work; photographic survey; non-invasive inspection; laboratory analyses; applying biocidal product; mechanical and chemical cleaning of surfaces; removal of unsuitable previous restoration work and / or stuccoing; reinforcement of travertine surface; treating original bolts and brackets (when in suitable conditions) or removal and replacement with titanium, aramid fibre and stainless steel replacements; deep stuccoing and surface stuccoing; chromatic balancing with former stuccoing; final protection.

  • Client

    Governorate of the State of the Vatican City.

  • Key figures

    40,000 sqm. of travertine; 140 statues; 6 coats of arms; 284 columns; 60 restorers, scaffolders and workmen: 90 people took part.

  • Schedule

    November 2008 – May 2009 pilot site (two statues, eight columns); May 2009 –February 2014 restoration of the colonnade and the southern fountain; June – September 2014 restoration of the Northern fountain.

  • Designers, supervisors

    Project manager: Marco Odoardi, Fabio Brunori. Site manager: Alessandro Paglia, Daniele Centurioni, Sergio Di Paolo, Massimiliano Agostinelli. Technical Supervisor for restoration work: Fabio Porzio. Production manager: Leonida Pelagalli. Structural project: Studio Croci.