Title Restoration of the private villa located in the municipality of Tremezzina (Como), called “Villa I Platani” Concise account of work carried out The villa, located directly on the...
Title Restoration and functional renovation of Vasari Corridor of the monumental complex of Uffizi in Florence Concise account of work carried out The project aims to carry out the...
Title Restorations and conservative renewal of the Cloister of Palazzo di San Felice Concise account of work carried out The restoration will focus on the cloister built between the...
Title Renovation of the State Building located in the Mandracchio area at the Port of Ancona. Concise account of work carried out The project involves the structural renewal of...
Title Restoration and redevelopment of the Mausoleum of Plauzi – Tivoli (Rome)
Title Restoration of architectural, decorative and monumental elements in Piazza San Pietro. Concise account of work carried out Archival research; on site inspection, mapping initial condition and previous work;...
Title Restoration and consolidation work on the cupolas and the convent unit of Basilica di Sant’ Antonio, Padova. Concise account of work carried out Geological analysis and static analysis...
Title Restoration of the façades of Corte Ducale, Cortile della Rocchetta, the southern curtain and revision of the roof in Corte Ducale. Concise account of work carried out Archival...
Title Conservative restoration work to develop a multipurpose exhibition centre of Palazzo della Ragione or of Mercato Vecchio and ancillary restoration work on Torre dei Lamberti, Torre...
Title Restoration and redevelopment of the Villa and annexed gardens, first lot of work. Concise account of work carried out Diagnostics; structural work to re-establish and strengthen walls; restoring...